About Me

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I am a multidisciplinary artist and my work takes many forms. The nature of the subject or the emotional end result dictates the materials, techniques and themes I use. They vary from one piece to another. It all starts with a nagging inspiration. For me making art is always about problem solving and testing the materials. I take a photo, an emotion, or idea and find the significance in it. I feel the only reason to alter an image or accept the challenge of creating art is to present something extra, evoke a feeling, make a statement, define a moment, and say what can not be said with words. I think art can be simple and fun. It doesn’t always have to try and be smarter than the people who want to enjoy it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sarah Project

Inspired by the kindness of one.
by Gina M. 

My 3 pieces for The Sarah Project, created during a concepts in drawing class with instructor Maryrose Mendoza at Pasadena City College,  illustrates my feelings for Sarah, a special needs child navigating the world on her own terms. It consists of a drawing, a sculpture, and installation piece. Each one is fragile yet sturdy, vulnerable yet solid.

The water blue background in the drawing, done in  gauche, watercolor, and acrylic on Canson paper, is loud in color and in motion, with a black and white soft sketch of Sarah, on velum in charcoal and pencil, loosely mounted over it.

Pedestal, fishbowl, assemblage,fish
assemblage - an animal trap holding a toy iron and phone

To consider Sarah and her condition, being on the outside looking in, I created this sculpture, a clear bowl filled to the brim with filtered spring water, goldfish, and an assemblage - an animal trap holding a toy iron and toy phone - all atop a pedestal base (which will be replaced with a taller one to finish the piece at her height).  I want to illustrate her bright, innocent and imaginative world in contrast with her requirements of care, attention, patience, and love for a lifetime.

Marshmallows, chocolate, jellyroll pan, printed paper
Toasted marshmallows, chocolate dust, jellyroll pan

Sarah bright and warm

Shares soft pillows of goodness.

         Take one, pass it on.
After reading the poem and Facebook page, the intention was for people to take one or two fresh sommore snacks and pass them on until the piece was distributed.

Here is the inspiration for the work.